Putting kids behind bars a failed model that does not help young people thrive and become contributing members of society. Community-based treatment programs closer to home are the best option for struggling children and for their communities. Recent revelations about conditions at Maine's youth prison, Long Creek Youth Development Center, underscore the need for change.
An 11-year-old boy with mental illness was brutally beaten by guards at Long Creek Youth Development Center. Despite the absence of any physical threat, the guards entered his cell and bashed his face against a metal bed frame, knocking out his front teeth. After the attack, they didn't take him to the dentist for six days, at which point it was too late to save his teeth.
This civil rights case challenges the use of excessive force, deliberately indifferent medical care, and statutory violations against the boy, referred to in the case as A.I.
Long Creek Youth Development Center Conditions Assessment Narrative Report
A report from the Children's Center for Law and Policy finding that Long Creek is chronically understaffed and ill-equipped to handle the serious mental health needs of young residents.
Youth Justice in Maine: Imagine a New Future
A white paper from the Justice Policy Program at the University of Southern Maine's Muskie School of Public Service, calling for a shift away from reliance on large facilities like Long Creek Youth Development Center and towards a system of in-home, community based, and evidence based out of home services for youth.
Long Creek Board of Visitors 2016 Annual Report
The annual report from the oversight body, appointed by the governor, finding a persistent pattern of self-harm among children held at Long Creek.
Editorial: Maine needs options for juvenile offenders
Editorial: Jail shouldn’t be only option for youth with behavioral health needs
Editorial: Maine’s failed to keep at-risk youth safe. No wonder Long Creek is overwhelmed.
Maine chief justice sees failings in state’s handling of troubled juveniles
Youth prison watchdog calls for audit of medical contractor
Editorial: Complaints about Long Creek point to bigger problem
Lawsuit challenges state's jailing of youths
A mom is suing Maine’s youth prison for allegedly ‘bashing’ her 11-year-old’s teeth out
Lawsuit says 11-year-old boy held at Long Creek was injured by staff, deprived of medical care
Editorial: Corrections System is Failing Maine Children
‘We will have another incident’: Prison cannot treat severely mentally ill youth, report says
New Report Details Serious Deficiencies At South Portland Youth Corrections Facility
Review finds Long Creek is understaffed and ill-equipped to meet youths’ mental health needs
Report urges state to overhaul Maine’s entire juvenile justice system
It’s time to shift away from incarcerating young offenders at Long Creek, researchers say
Another Study Shows Juvenile Jails, Like Long Creek in Maine, Are Ineffective
Shut. It. Down. — No, not the government, Long Creek
Our View: Time for Maine to close state’s only youth prison
Letter to the editor: Bipartisan Legislators Call for Long Creek solution
Letter to the editor: Maine is Falling Behind in Juvenile Justice Field