Past Events

Portland Think & Drink: Who’s Watching Whom?

Who's watching whom? This session of the 2017 Portland Think & Drink series on policing will examine physical surveillance by and of police. 

Hosted by Maine Humanities Council

May 3, 2017 to
May 4, 2017

ACLU of Maine Action Forum: Rockland

Join ACLU of Maine staff for an update on our work and how you can take action to help us protect and advance civil liberties in our home state. 

April 6, 2017

FILM: 1984 National Screening Day


***A portion of the proceeds will benefit the ACLU of Maine***

April 4, 2017 to
April 5, 2017

ACLU of Maine Action Forum: Portland

Join ACLU of Maine staff for an update on our work and how you can take action to help us protect and advance civil liberties in our home state. 

March 28, 2017

ACLU of Maine Action Forum: Bangor

Join ACLU of Maine staff for an update on our work and how you can take action to help us protect and advance civil liberties in our home state. 

March 22, 2017 to
March 23, 2017

People Power Resistance Training

On March 11, the ACLU is holding a Resistance Training. This event will launch People Power, the ACLU’s new effort to engage grassroots volunteers across the country and take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets.

March 11, 2017 to
March 12, 2017