Past Events

ACLU at the Women's March on Maine!

Join the ACLU of Maine contingent at the Women's March on Maine! March with us behind the ACLU of Maine banner - we'll be marching to call for equality, justice and freedom for all!

January 21, 2017 to
January 22, 2017

Inauguration Day Constitution Reading

On Inauguration Day 2017, gather with your Maine neighbors to celebrate the ideals embodied by the Constitution: equality, justice and freedom. 

We'll gather in the Maine State House Hall of Flags for a live reading of the Constitution.

January 20, 2017 to
January 21, 2017

Maine Immigration Unity Rally

Community-means togetherness for healing, support, bonding, acceptance, and comfort. It is a critical time for us to stand united. It is criticial now more than ever to step up to protect and defend Maine's Immigrants and their families.

January 14, 2017 to
January 15, 2017


The ACLU of Maine is a proud Community Partner of TEDxDirigo:

November 5, 2016 to
November 6, 2016

Vigil to Protect Abortion Access

On March 2, the nation’s U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the biggest abortion case in decades, Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. The U.S. Supreme Court will determine if two provisions of a 2013 Texas law present an “undue burden” for women seeking to end a pregnancy.

Empower the Immigrant Woman Forum & Gala

The Conference is intended to inspire American immigrant women in Maine to see this moment in history as an opportunity to come together, to use this platform to raise awareness of the challenges immigrant women face, and to honor their community heroes.

SOLD OUT A Night with BGIM: A discussion on race, class and life

Rarely do we hold space with people outside of our digital or academic worlds to discuss the uncomfortable... race, class, and the “isms”. To touch the uncomfortable is to look within ourselves and ask the questions that we have been taught are not for public viewing.