Know your rights when working or volunteering in health care centers, homeless shelters, places of worship, and schools.

If you're a service provider – be it a clergy member, educator, shelter staff, health care provider, or employer – there's a chance you may have to interact with immigration enforcement officers while at work. If you work or volunteer in one of these settings, there are things you can do to protect the people you serve, your community, and other employees or volunteers if ICE or CBP agents enter your space.

We've put together a list of resources from the ACLU of Maine and trusted partner organizations who specialize in immigration law. If you work or volunteer in one of these settings, these resources will help you navigate interactions with ICE by understanding your rights and the rights of the people you serve.

Open the menus below to learn more about your rights when interacting with ICE in different settings.

1. Checklist for interacting with ICE at a place of worship

A.Checklist for interacting with ICE at a place of worship


If you work or volunteer at a place of worship, you can help prepare for interaction with ICE and other law enforcement agents.

Click below to download and print this checklist to ensure your faith community responds effectively, legally, and compassionately if US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents – or law enforcement officers who may work with ICE – arrive.

Know Your Rights Checklist for Places of Worship

2. Interacting with ICE while working as a health care provider

A.Interacting with ICE while working as a health care provider


Increased immigration enforcement has raised fear in our communities and can result in families not seeking medical care.

If you work or volunteer in health care, there are things you can do to protect your patients and employees if ICE or CBP agents enter your facility. Click below to download and print Know Your Rights guidance from the National Immigration Law Center.



3. Interacting with ICE while working at a school

A.Interacting with ICE while working at a school


ICE has rescinded a previous policy limiting immigration enforcement at schools, but this doesn’t change immigrant children’s constitutional right to an education. It also doesn’t alter a school district’s legal responsibility toward its students or take away its legal right to control who enters school property. 

Learn more about your rights and abilities to vindicate your students' rights at the links below from the National Immigration Law Center (NILC).

Know Your Right Checklist for Schools

Education Providers and Immigration Enforcement

Downloadable PDF from NILC


4. Interacting with ICE while working at a homeless shelter

A.Interacting with ICE while working at a homeless shelter


Homeless shelters and other public service providers can protect clients and staff before, during, and after interactions with ICE and other law enforcement.

Click the link below to learn more and be prepared from the National Homelessness Law Center (NHLC):

ICE Raid Guidance for Homeless Service Providers

5. Other Resources for Service Providers