Know Your Rights: Video Series for Interacting with Immigration Agents

Know Your Rights in motion: Watch this ACLU video series to know your rights when interacting with ICE in English, Español (Spanish), Français (French), اُردُو (Urdu), العَرَبِيَّة (Arabic), Kreyòl Ayisyen (Haitian Creole), Pусский (Russian), 普通话 (Mandarin).

We Have Rights

These videos are based on true stories to provide real-life action points for what to do when ICE is outside our doors, is in our homes, stops us in our communities, and/or arrests us. They were created in partnership with Brooklyn Defender Services.

We Have Rights: When ICE is Outside our Doors

ICE agents may come to your home looking for you or a loved one. They will try a number of tricks to get you to open the door. This video will help you understand what your rights are if ICE agents come to your home and what you can to try to prevent them from entering.

TENEMOS DERECHOS: Cuando ICE Está Afuera de Nuestras Puertas (Spanish)  |  NOUS AVONS DES DROITS: Quand ICE est Devant Nos Portes (French)  |  ھما رےحقوق ہیں: جب آئی سی. ای ہمارے دروازوں سے باہر ہے (Urdu)  |  لدينا حقوق: عندما تكون أيس خارج ابوابنا (Arabic)  |  NOU GEN DWA LEGAL: Lé ICE Déyé Pót Nou (Haitian Creole)  |  У НАС ЕСТЬ ПРАВА: КОГДА ICE ЗА ВАШЕЙ ДВЕРЬЮ (Russian)  |  我们有权利: 当ICE在门外的时候 (Mandarin)

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When ICE is Inside our Homes

If ICE agents enter your home, you still have rights! This video outlines important information about what to do when ICE agents are inside your home, what your rights are, and what you can do to prepare for future immigration proceedings, should they occur.

TENEMOS DERECHOS: Dentro De Nuestros Hogares (Spanish)  |  Nous Avons Des Droits: Dans Nos Domiciles (French)  |  ھما رےحقوق ہیں: ہمارے گھر کے اندر (Urdu)  |  لدينا حقوق: داخل بيوتنا (Arabic)  |  NOU GEN DWA LEGAL: Anndan Lakay Nou (Haitian Creole)  |  У НАС ЕСТЬ ПРАВА: ВНУТРИ НАШИХ ДОМОВ (Russian)  |  我们有权利: 在我们的家中 (Mandarin)

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When ICE is in our Communities and in our Streets

Increasingly, ICE agents approach and detain people in the community: in the street, in your car, at work, even in court. This video outlines what your rights are if ICE approaches you in your community, what to do in such a situation, and how it is your right to record such interactions if you see them happening to someone else.

TENEMOS DERECHOS: En Nuestras Comunidades, En Nuestras Calles (Spanish)  |  Nous Avons Des Droits: Dans Nos Communautés, Dans Nos Rues (French)  |  ھما رےحقوق ہیں: ہماری سڑکوں میں ہماری کمیونٹیوں میں (Urdu)  |  لدينا حقوق: في مجتمعاتنا و شوارعنا (Arabic)  |  NOU GEN DWA LEGAL: Nan Kominote Nou Yo, Nan Lari Nou Yo (Haitian Creole)  |  У НАС ЕСТЬ ПРАВА: В НАШИХ СООБЩЕСТВАХ, НА НАШИХ УЛИЦАХ (Russian)  |  我们有权利: 在我们的社区内,街道上 (Mandarin)

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When ICE Arrests Us

ICE arrests increased by 30% in 2017. Today, more than ever, it is critical for you and your loved ones to have a plan for what to do if one of you is arrested by ICE. This video will walk you through what your rights are if ICE arrests you. It explains what you and your loved ones should do if one of you is arrested.

TENEMOS DERECHOS: Si ICE Nos Arresta (Spanish)  | Nous Avons Des Droits: Si ICE Nous Arrête (French)  |  ھما رےحقوق ہیں: اگر I.C.E نے ہمیں گرفتار کیا (Urdu)  |  لدينا حقوق: إذا إعتقلتنا أيس (Arabic)  |  NOU GEN DWA LEGAL: Si ICE Arete Nou (Haitian Creole)  |  У НАС ЕСТЬ ПРАВА: ЕСЛИ ICE НАС АРЕСТУЕТ (Russian)  |  我们有权利: 如果ICE逮捕我们 (Mandarin)

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