We strive to ensure all women and girls in Maine are able to lead lives free from discrimination. This includes fighting for equal economic opportunities, educational equity, and an end to gender-based violence.

Women's Rights
The Latest

ACLU, ACLU of Maine, and National Women’s Law Center File Amicus...
September 29, 2022We support an ERA for Maine
March 7, 2019
Celebrate Women’s Suffrage, but Don't Whitewash the Movement's Racism
August 24, 2018Week in Review: Family detentions, Amazon, Asylum, and Fair Housing
June 18, 2018Week in Review: Anthem Protests, Banned Books, Data Collection, and...
September 29, 2017Broad Coalition Will Oppose “Fetal Personhood” Bill
May 16, 2017Two Maine Bills Would Make it Harder to Vote
February 22, 2017
Broad Coalition of Advocates Will Oppose Bills that Make it Harder...
February 14, 2017